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Your quote

Your quote

20201023-125938-2020-10-23 - JLCI0761-36

This illustration will help you discover the advantages of setting up an IPP in your particular situation, by providing you with:

  • the contribution allowed to the IPP to cover the initial actuarial deficit resulting from the recognition of past service;

  • the qualifying transfer required to be made from your RRSP to your IPP; and

  • the contributions allowed to be made by the employer to the IPP for the next three years.

Step 1

In order to receive an IPP illustration within the next two business days, please complete our questionnaire and send it to us via email.

Note: More than one company can be included as a participating employer to the IPP, as long as the participant owns, or is related to someone who owns, 10% or more of that company’s shares. If you wish to include more than one company as a participating employer to the plan, please complete a form for each company with T4 employment income (Box 14) received from that company only.

Illustration gratuite

Every client is different. Each situation is unique. In order to better advise you, and to provide you with an illustration of an IPP tailored to your needs, please complete the questionnaire below.


You will receive your free illustration within the next two business days.

If you want to go forward with the IPP setup, you will need to complete a second questionnaire with the additional information we need.

Step 2

Additional information.

Using the information received, we will prepare the required documents to be signed to proceed with setting up the IPP.

Step 3

Documents to be signed.

An IPP's funds must be held by one of the following funding mechanisms: an insurance contract, a trust created by three trustees who are adult Canadian residents, or an institutional trust. If you choose an insurance contract, you will need to select an insurance company with which you will sign this contract, and we will need a copy of it. If you choose to set up a trust, we will coordinate with the notary for the signature of the trust agreement with the chosen trustees.

We will take care of sending all required documents to the CRA for the IPP registration.

Step 4

Signature of a Trust Agreement or an Insurance Contract.

Step 5

Registration with the CRA.

Upon CRA approval, the company will be able to start contributing to the IPP.

Step 6

IPP funding.

When the final approval letter from CRA is received, the qualifying transfer from the RRSP to the IPP must be made within 90 days of the date of approval. A letter should then be sent to the CRA with proof that the qualifying transfer has been made.

Step 7

Qualifying transfer.

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